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页面功能  【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体:  】【打印】 【关闭

  Nothing ever stops all these thoughts and the pain attached to them

  Sometimes I wonder why this is happening

  It´s like nothing I can do would distract me when

  I think of how I shot myself in the back again

  Cuz from the infinite words I can say I

  Put all pain you gave to me on display

  But didn´t realize instead of setting it free I

  Took what I hated and made it a part of me

  (Never goes away)

  (Never goes away)


  (And now)

  (You´ve become a part of me)

  (You´ll always be right here)

  (You´ve become a part of me)

  (You´ll always be my fear)

  (I can´t separate)

  (Myself from what I´ve done)

  (Giving up a part of me)

  (I´ve let myself become you)

  Hearing your name the memories come back again

  I remember when it started happening

  I see you n’ every thought I had and then

  The thoughts slowly found words attached to them

  And I knew as they escaped away

  I was committing myself to em n’ everyday

  I regret saying those things cuz now I see that I

  Took what I hated and made it a part of me

  (Never goes away)

  (Never goes away)


  (And now)

  (You´ve become a part of me)

  (You´ll always be right here)

  (You´ve become a part of me)

  (You´ll always be my fear)

  (I can´t separate)

  (Myself from what I´ve done)

  (Giving up a part of me)

  (I´ve let myself become you)

  (Never goes away)

  (Never goes away)

  (Never goes away)

  (Never goes away)

  (Get away from me)

  Give me my space back you gotta just


  Everything comes down the memories of


  I kept it in without letting you


  I let you go so get away from


  Give me my space back you gotta just


  Everything comes down the memories of


  I kept it in without letting you


  I let you go

  (And now)

  (You´ve become a part of me)

  (You´ll always be right here)

  (You´ve become a part of me)

  (You´ll always be my fear)

  (I can´t separate)

  (Myself from what I´ve done)

  (Giving up a part of me)

  (I´ve let myself become you)

  (I´ve let myself become you)

  (I´ve let myself become lost inside these thougts of you)

  (Giving up a part of me)

  (I´ve let myself become you)


页面功能  【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体:  】【打印】 【关闭

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