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试听:Fergie - Glamorous

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  从Black Eyed Peas/黑眼豆豆合唱团当家女主唱,蜕变成时尚界性感宝贝与电影明星,Fergie/菲姬的风采与魅力不断加温,2006年,首张个人大碟【The Dutchess】出炉,她将把这股热力带到全新沸点,彻底展现fun到底的流行嘻哈魅力。打头阵首支单曲“London Bridge”以超顽皮嘻哈性格抢攻全美排行榜,一举蝉联流行单曲榜+热门单曲榜3周冠军,同时也在热门数字单曲榜、热门下载单曲榜中夺下冠军后座。


  "Glamorous"(feat. Ludacris)

  If you ain't got no money take yo'broke ass home

  You say: If you ain't got no money take yo'broke ass home

  G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S


  We flying the first class

  Up in the sky

  Poppin' champagne

  Livin' the life

  In the fast lane

  And I wont change

  By the Glamorous, oh the flossy flossy


  The glamorous,

  The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)

  By the Glamorous, oh the flossy flossy


  Wear them gold and diamonds rings

  All them things don't mean a thing

  Chaperons and limousines

  Shopping for expensive things

  I be on the movie screens

  Magazines and boogie scenes

  I'm not clean, I'm not pristine

  I'm no queen, I'm no machine

  I still go to Taco Bell

  Drive through, raw as hell

  I don't care, I'm still real

  No matter how many records I sell

  After the show or after the Grammies

  I like to go cool out with the family

  Sippin', reminiscing on days when I had a Mustang

  And now I'm in...


  I'm talking Champagne wishes, caviar dreams

  You deserve nothing but all the finer things

  Now this whole world has no clue what to do with us

  I've got enough money in the bank for the two of us

  Brother gotta keep enough lettuce

  To support your shoe fetish

  Lifestyles so rich and famous

  Robin Leach will get jealous

  Half a million for the stones

  Taking trips from here to Rome

  So If you ain't got no money take yo'broke ass home

  G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S


  I got problems up to here

  I've got people in my ear

  Telling me these crazy things

  That I don't want to know (fuck y'all)

  I've got money in the bank

  And I'd really like to thank

  All the fans, I'd like to thank

  Thank you really though

  Cause I remember yesterday

  When I dreamt about the days

  When I'd rock on MTV, that be really dope

  Damn, It's been a long road

  And the industry is cold

  I'm glad my daddy tell me so, he let his daughter know.


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