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试听:麦田守望者 - Green

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  五一期间,中国最大规模的户外音乐节:迷迪音乐节在北京再次隆重上演,与之前的音乐节不同的是,此次迷迪将以"绿色与和平"为主题,邀请几十支乐队加盟演出。这其中,太合麦田旗下麦田守望者乐队受到了广大乐迷的强烈关注,不仅因为麦田守望者是近十年来国内摇滚乐坛的佼佼者,同时麦守也曾被"绿和"组织授予过"森林守望者"称号,主唱萧玮还亲自抵达天堂雨林感受这一环境。之后,麦田守望者还特别为"绿色和平"创作了主题歌曲《 Green》,以音乐传达他们对绿色的呼吁。

   By The CIR

  if you brush a line to the sky

  paint a big tree in your mind

  together we face towards the sun

  like forests we stand

  if we can be the pouring rain

  rushing down into the lakes

  from the rivers to the sea, deep blue sea

  Can you feel that life is rolling

  Endless, wild and sweet

  Can you feel that life is passing

  It's a beautiful world for you

  when you're young and when you're green

  save all the beautiful things

  with pride and love we sing

  "see, we can show you "

  we will paint the green to the sky

  green, no grey no cries

  for peace and truth (light) in life

  such a strong yet fragile life

  if the day is dark as night

  what do you lose and what do you get

  chasing, seeking all the time

  eyes are open but we're blind

  if we can be a shooting star

  burning the darkness and the clouds

  over mountains across the sea, across the sea

  can you feel that life is growing

  what amazing grace

  can you tell some things are passing

  while you're looking away

  can you keep the legend going

  let it kill the pain

  can you hear a voice is calling

  from me to you

  when you're young and when you're green

  save all the beautiful things

  with pride and love we sing

  "see, we can show you "

  we will paint the green to the sky

  green, no grey no cries

  for peace and truth (light) in life

  "see, we can show you "

  can you hear that birds are singing

  dancing above the green

  can you see that rainbow shining

  shining just for us

  can you feel that life is growing

  what amazing grace

  Can you feel that life is rolling

  Endless, wild and sweet

  can you keep the legend going

  let it kill the pain

  can you hear a voice is calling

  from me to you

  we will paint the green to the sky

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