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  3 July 2007, Sanya, Hainan, China – The award-winning Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa will continue on its year-long musical journey with another beach concert on 28 July 2007, starring China’s top bands Black Panther and Golden Buddha.

  Dirk De Cuyper, General Manager of Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa said, “Since the launch of our first beach concert in December last year, Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa has become renowned not only for our operational and service excellence, but also for providing entertainment offerings with a difference.

  “The popularity of these beach concerts has also enabled us to introduce a charity element to them, and to do our part for the community even as we celebrate life through music. Our goal is to turn the beach concerts into a signature Sanya event, and we look forward to welcoming more guests to experience Hilton Sanya and our musical spectaculars over the next few years,” Mr De Cuyper added.

  The two-hour concert is the fourth in a series of six concerts planned for the year, with noted musicians from all over the world invited to Sanya to perform. Proceeds from this event will be donated to children suffering from eye cataracts.

  Black Panther (Hei Bao) is legendary in Chinese rock. Founded in 1987, the band became well-known when its 1991 hits, “Don’t Break My Heart” and “Wu Di Zi Rong” became popular among Chinese listeners. Young Chinese musicians continue to draw inspiration from these songs today. The band’s eponymous album “Hei Bao” was released in Taiwan and Hong Kong that same year, catapulting Black Panther to greater fame and making them one of the best-selling rock bands in China. The band consists of vocalist Zhang Kepeng, who graduated from the National Academy of Theatre Arts, bassist Wang Wenjie, drummer Zhao Mingyi, guitarist Li Tong and keyboardist Feng Xiaobo.

  Golden Buddha is one of the most popular jazz bands in Beijing. Band members include Kong Hongwei, Huang Yong, Izumi Koga from Japan and guest vocalist Jessica Meider from the US. In May 2007, the Golden Buddha Trio took part in the Second Session of Nine Gate Jazz Festival in Beijing.


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