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试听:谭晶 - One World One Dream

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  One World One Dream

  Lanterns light up the night sky

  In celebration as the nations of the world

  All come together for a brief moment

  There is peace and harmony

   Beijing, Beijing

   The whole world hears your call

   Welcome one and all to Beijing

   In every lifetime there’s a moment

   When every heart fills up with pride

   And you feel such a feeling deep inside

   One world one dream

   Is our shared hope

   Is our shared expectation

   One world one dream

   The time has come

   To start the celebration

   One world one dream…

  People fill up the stadium

  Children are laughing as the time has come to

  See who is the strongest, who is the fastest,

  Who’s the finest of them all

   God speed, good luck

   And may your fortunes soar

   And know that it’s you we’re cheering for

   In every contest there’s a winner

   Who gets the glory fair and square

   But together there’s a victory we can share

   One world one dream

   Is our shared hope

   Is our shared expectation

   One world one dream

   Is all it takes

   To make a winner of us all

   One world one dream…

  Instrumental Break

   From every dream we must awaken

   For every journey there’s an end

   But perhaps there lies an answer ‘round the bend

   One world one dream

   Is our shared hope

   Is our shared expectation

   One world one dream

   The time has come

   To be a global nation

   One world one dream…(4x)

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