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Keanthony - I Ain't Tryna

  I Ain't Tryna

  I aint tryna walk into an empty house

  and end up on the couch by myself no

  and i aint tryna be starin at the t.v. feelin hungry

  with no home cooked meal

  and i aint tryna be callin your name wonderin where you at

  cuz i know that your right upstairs

  i aint tryna be wreckin my brain

  goin back and forth thinkin bout how i gotta change

  this aint no game

  cuz i aint playin girl

  its you and me girl

  that's how we be girl

  and im gon' change

  and im for real girl

  cant do without ya girl

  cuz baby your my world

  i aint tryna be without you

  and i don't care what i gotta do

  girl i'll do anything and i'll go anywhere

  cuz ain't nothin workin without you baby

  i ain't tryna be without you

  and i aint tryna be the one who's makin you unhappy

  cuz if you unhappy then i know i ain't tryin hard enough

  gotta try harder for you

  i ain't tryna be all out in the street

  or up in the club sippin on patrone

  wit my flirt on

  and i ain't tryna be sneakin home

  wonderin what to say

  when you ask why i smell like fresh soap

  and i ain't tryna be lyin and hidin the truth

  decievin you

  that's that old xxxx i used to do

  and i ain't tryna be scared of my own cell phone no more

  i don't wanna piss you off

  this ain't no game

  cuz i aint playin girl

  its you and me girl

  thats how we be girl

  and im gon' change

  and im forreal girl

  can't do without ya girl

  baby you're my world

  i aint tryna be without you

  and i don't care what i gotta do

  girl i'll do anything and i'll go anywhere

  cuz ain't nothin workin without you baby

  i ain't tryna be without you

  and i aint tryna be the one who's makin you unhappy

  cuz if you unhappy then i know i ain't tryin hard enough

  gotta try harder for you

  if i don't get it right the first time

  baby please believe me i will try it again

  and i don't care if it takes me a lifetime

  i swear to God i will try to the end

  as long as im on earth

  im gonna keep my word

  girl ill do whatever it takes

  to prove to you that im a changed man

  did some foul shit

  but i won't do it again

  i aint tryna be without you

  and i don't care what i gotta do

  girl i'll do anything and i'll go anywhere

  cuz ain't nothin workin without you baby

  i ain't tryna be without you

  and i aint tryna be the one who's makin you unhappy

  cuz if you unhappy then i know i ain't tryin hard enough

  gotta try harder for you

  gotta do better girl...........



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