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顺序 | 曲目 | 试听 | |
01 |
the loop fron different room |
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02 |
Just A Dream |
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03 |
Binome Society Mix |
Bar Rouge Shanghai presents SMS Volume 1
迷夜红吧上海 - SMS第一辑
。上海指标夜店Bar Rouge描绘放浪夜生活想象新作
火热的红、深邃的黑。时尚潮流中永不褪色的最佳组合,恰如其分地诠释了上海最具份量夜店「Bar Rouge」在这个国际之都所占有的地位。在首张《Bar Rouge - Shanghai Vol.1》大碟以毫无保留的厚重节拍与迷炫电子气流,征服了所有热爱Clubbing、耽溺于电子舞曲纯粹官能解放的双耳与肢体之后,「Bar Rouge」再接再厉地祭出《Bar Rouge Shanghai presents SMS Volume 1》,不仅将听觉冲击再度推往极限,更尝试以纯粹的电子音浪,描绘出视觉与听觉之外,所有爱好者对于放浪夜生活的绮丽想象!同样以「The Heart of the Night」作为专辑概念,集结了11首融合House、Progressive、Euro Trance、Tribal风格,包括Xeum、Philippe Ortega、Dave K等单位从欧洲同步更新的热门单曲,值得一提的是,连当年最火红的E.B.T.G.舞池大作〈Missing〉,都在Kluba的改造下,以迷幻凶猛的面貌重生!《Bar Rouge Shanghai presents SMS Volume 1》不跟你啰唆电子音乐该如何蜿蜒取巧,只以最直接的能量挑逗你的舞蹈神经,尽情随着节拍挥洒汗水!
Fiery red and deep dark, perfect combination that never goes out of style in fashion, interprets the supposed position of this prestigious night club—Bar Rouge—in Shanghai. After the first compilation "Bar Rouge - Shanghai Vol.1" providing the pure body liberation with heavy beats and electronic rhythms, the coming-up "Bar Rouge Shanghai presents SMS Volume 1" upgrades itself to another level, collecting 11 tracks from House, Progressive, Euro Trance and Tribal genres in the general concept of "The Heart of the Night". Including: Hot singles produced by talented artists such as Xeum, Philippe Ortega, and Dave Ksynchronizes; moreover, the classic piece "Missing" from Everything But The Girl, with Kluba supporting the violent remix version! Stop talking nonsense about dance music, "Bar Rouge Shanghai presents SMS Volume 1" challenges you to dance. Dance till dawn!