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顺序 | 曲目 | 试听 | |
01 |
Logos |
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02 |
My Halo |
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04 |
Walkabout |
Artist:Atlas Sound
Label:映象唱片High Note Records
Genre: Shoegazing
Atlas Sound - Logos
亚特拉斯之声 - 私商标
。迷幻摇滚班霸Deerhunter灵魂人物Bradford Cox私密化身
。Stereolab女主音Laetitia Sadier/Animal Collective台柱Panda Bear梦幻献声
亚特兰大四人组Deerhunter是过去几年最多产、最受欢迎也最受争议的乐团之一,主脑Bradford Cox居功厥伟。天生一副高瘦骨架,苍白而病奄奄的模样与其说是摇滚乐手,其实更像篮球队的板凳球员;他爱憎分明,时常祸从口出。
然而自2007年的破茧作《Cryptograms》一路听来,你得承认他真有几把刷子。Bradford Cox将迷人的病态美灌入Deerhunter的音乐骨干:纹理纤细却经得起拉扯,貌似恍神实则招招命中要害。一旦听上瘾,就再也戒不掉。
Atlas Sound是Bradford Cox的个人计划,专门收录置于Deerhunter专辑嫌太轻、太柔或太实验的个人作,去年的出道碟《Let The Blind Lead Those Who Can See But Cannot Feel》让人惊喜听见Bradford Cox不设防的内心世界,今年这张《Logos》不仅延续了行云流水的风格,许多歌由于都在巡回时顺手写下(譬如巴士、旅馆甚至场馆后台),《Logos》更有一种逐水草而居的游嬉感。
开头曲〈The Light That Failed〉悄声闪动的音波讯号,〈Attic Lights〉悠扬的小提琴与〈Logos〉鬼魅的电子琴,搭配暖烘烘的原音乐器与Bradford Cox漂浮在空中的歌声,这是Atlas Sound拿手的环境摇滚(Ambient Rock)绝活。不过团结力量大,《Logos》最脱俗的两曲,是邀来Stereolab女主音Laetitia Sadier献唱、长八分钟的神游太虚极品〈Quick Canal〉,及与Animal Collective台柱Panda Bear共谱的〈Walkabout〉。
Following the release of Deerhunter's Microcastle last year, the Atlanta, Georgia group's lynchpin Bradford Cox returns to his solo guise, Atlas Sound, for another round of ethereal pop genius with Logos. Following Let The Blind Lead Those Who Can See But Cannot Feel, Cox's debut solo release, Logos will be released through 4AD/Kranky on October 19, 2009.
Whilst its predecessor was a record of fragile beauty and acute experimentalism in comparison to the often volatile bluster of Deerhunter, Logos has a far more rooted pop sensibility. At its heart is 'Walkabout', a collaboration between Cox and Noah Lennox (Panda Bear) put together whilst he was on tour with Animal Collective in Europe. Combining their love for tape loops and doo-wop, the single lifts the hook from The Dovers' classic 1966 garage track 'What Am I Going To Do?' to form a glorious summertime jam. Elsewhere Stereolab's Laetitia Sadler also appears - an artist who also toured with Bradford last year - she lends her vocals to the epic ambient motorik number, 'Quick Canal'.
An unmastered draft of Logos was accidently leaked last year by Cox via his infamous blog, with its caverns of covers, demos and mixtapes the 27-year-old makes freely available to his legions of fans. This is it finished and is the sound of Atlas Sound changing up; away from such piercing introspection and towards a grand pop plateau yet retaining the bedroom charms of the project.
Please turn over to read Bradford Cox's take on the record.