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试听:V BAND - The Ocean Jail

发布时间:2010年12月01日16:40 | 我来说两句 (0) | 来源:搜狐音乐

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  V—BAND来自国民给予诸多偏见的河南郑州,却坚持塑造真诚音乐性格的V-Band乐队。他们成立于2006年5月,前身“Guess"乐队,经过人员调整后正式更名“V-Band",音乐风格也在蓄谋已的基因热爱中,将早期的非主流摇滚转化为主流的Pop Rock。乐队并非刻意的优美辗转,是以对生活感知后将旋律变奏,酝酿纯粹且洁净的声线,微妙的糅合着爆发的力量感,一种不用过多粉饰的深邃感,完成了一次中国新生音乐的惊鸿。

  V-Band的灵魂是在尖刀横立的当代生活中,将摇滚赋予诗意的新元素,别人说要懂得生之微末,V-Band便做了这壮大与你看; 别人说再热闹也终需离散,V-Band便做了这一辈子与你看;别人说冷暖自知,V-Band便做了这冬花夏雪与你看。却恰恰是这种执拗的音乐性格,在浸润中国摇滚愤怒时代后,摒弃了过多形式主义的V-Band,彻底完成了自己的音乐规划,在生命的光影集中,不选择遗忘,不选择冷视,偏生要鲜花着景,应这急景流年。

  Q1:《Ocean jail》这首歌写的什么意思?






  The ocean jail

  I just like a memory’s tracker.

  Looking for myself and come over.

  The sound of heart comes to edge of bate.

  I learn up the rule of the world.

  Push myself to change the same as them.

  But finally make part of me gone.

  I confuse the lighthouse and the star

  In the central ocean jail…

  *Then I look around the world which one can boast.

  Behind the sky where we will never know.

  Wherever contain my pains new.

  Ooh…no no no…

  While in the end I cross the hell.

  Why can not find the life’s reason now.

  Don’t guide me out the ocean jail.

  No no no…the central ocean jail.*

  The cold wave around and touch me.

  That’s the only warm at night and day.

  The deep shadow is my prolongation.

  Nowhere to dodge I have.

  And I can’t swim and reach the end.

  I don’t know what the orientation is.

  I confuse the horizon and skyline

  In the central ocean jail…

  *Then I look around the world which one can boast.

  Behind the sky where we will never know.

  Wherever contain my pains new.

  Ooh…no no no…

  While in the end I cross the hell.

  Why can not find the life’s reason now.

  Don’t guide me out the ocean jail.

  No no no…the central ocean jail.*
