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玛丽亚-凯莉献唱提名音乐会 白靴红裙预演圣诞

  2008年12月4日讯,洛杉矶,第51届格莱美(GRAMMY)音乐奖提名音乐会当地时间12月3日举行。玛丽亚·凯莉白靴红裙登台献唱《Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)》,靓丽温暖,圣诞气氛浓厚。


  年度最佳唱片(Record Of The Year):

  Adele, “Chasing Pavements”;

  Coldplay, “Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends”;

  Leona Lewis, “Bleeding Love”;

  M.I.A., “Paper Planes”;

  Robert Plant and Allison Krauss, “Please Read The Letter.”

  最佳说唱乐队/组合(Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group):

  Big Boi Featuring Raekwon and Andre 3000, “Royal Flush”;

  Jay-Z and T.I., Featuring Kanye West and Lil Wayne, “Swagger Like Us”;

  Lil Wayne Featuring Jay-Z, “Mr. Carter”;

  Ludacris Featuring T.I., “Wish You Would”;

  Young Jeezy Featuring Kanye West, “Put On”

  最佳乡村乐队/组合(Best Country Performance By a Duo or Group With Vocals):

  Brooks & Dunn, “God Must Be Busy”;

  Lady Antebellum, “Love Don’t Live Here”;

  Rascal Flatts, “Every Day”;

  The Steeldrivers, “Blue Side of the Mountain”;

  Sugarland, “Stay”

  最佳流行合唱(Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals):

  Alicia Keys and John Mayer, “Lessons Learned”;

  Madonna, Justin Timberlake and Timbaland, “Four Minutes”;

  Robert Plant and Allison Krauss, “Rich Woman”;

  Rihanna and Maroon 5, “If I Never See Your Face Again”;

  Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown, “No Air”

  年度最佳专辑(Album of the Year):

  Coldplay, “Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends”;

  Lil Wayne, “Tha Carter III”;

  Ne-Yo, “Year of the Gentleman”;

  Robert Plant and Allison Krauss, “Raising Sand”;

  Radiohead, “In Rainbows”

  最佳新人(Best New Artist):

  Adele、 Duffy、The Jonas Brothers、Lady Antebellum 、Jazmine Sullivan



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