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Beach Jazz Festival to Light up the Resort Paradise

  Sanya Yalong Bay Beach Jazz Festival is coming soon

  Jazz is coming the way of sunny beach and super-five-star hotels in Sanya, as three hotel giants, Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa, Sanya Marriott Resort & Spa and Sheraton Sanya Resort will lift the curtain of the first Yalong Bay Beach Jazz Festival. The top hotels are ushering in the “golden holiday week” starting from 1 May with the festival, blending tourism with Jazz, storming the beach of Yalong Bay with music like never before.

  All the guests staying at Sanya Marriott Resort & Spa, Sheraton Sanya Resort and Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa on 27 and 28 April will have chance to enjoy the jazz played by six famous Jazz bands, both international and local, including Jungle Cats, Liuyuan Jazz Band, Rhythm Dogs, JR Jazz Band, Possicobilities and Latin Project etc.

  According to the three Resorts, the festival is also meant to give high-end tourists a more comfortable and elegant holiday experience. They believe that the fascinating flavor of Jazz will attract more international visitors to the “Forever Tropical Paradise - Sanya”!




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