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Nike SB Custom Series Volume 3

我来说两句 2009年03月02日17:36 来源:搜狐社区

  Nike SB出品了Custom Series的第三期新品,这次带来的是为nike sb队伍的几位极富潜力的AM滑手出品的新配色,包括Daryl Angel (Dunk Low Premium SB), Clark Hassler (Blazer Low Hybrid Premium), Justin Brock (Dunk Mid Premium SB), Grant Taylor (Blazer SB Elite),每款新品还配合发售一款短Tee新品,同以往的Custom Series一样,每位滑手都为自己的特别配色款式拍摄一个很酷的广告海报,新系列将于三月四月陆续上市。

  Inspired by images of 80’s-era skate videos featuring skate sessions on cars, Jon Humphries conceptualized the scene for nike sb’s Custom Series Volume 3. The roster of skaters for the series were each given free reign on the colorway design of their own sneaker which included Daryl Angel (Dunk Low Premium SB), Clark Hassler (Blazer Low Hybrid Premium), Justin Brock (Dunk Mid Premium SB) and Grant Taylor (Blazer SB Elite). Each skater will also see a t-shirt release alongside the shoes with releases starting in March with Angel and Hassler and ending in April with Brock and Taylor
