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顺序 | 曲目 | 试听 | |
01 |
Double Vision |
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02 |
Forgotten |
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03 |
Smile In My |
厂牌:映象唱片High Note Records
Renaissance The Mix Collection (Mixed By Gui Boratto)
巴西圣保罗绝美科技电声 X 浪漫前卫文艺复兴
Adam Freeland、Moby、Massive Attack指名合作电音奇葩
独家收录〈The Infinites〉等四首Gui Boratto新曲
短短三年间,先后以《Chromophobia》、《Take My Breath Away》两张创作专辑成功改写House、Techno、Minimal的未来模式,巴西电音好手Gui Boratto除了打入众多乐评与乐迷心房外,更攻下世界百大DJ榜,人气行情逐年看涨。如今,接下深具历史意义的《Renaissance The Mix Collection》系列,除了一展令人望穿秋水的DJing功架外,亦间接证明其不凡身价!
CD1以德国电气创作人Oliver Koletzki的〈Hypnotized〉揭开序幕,运行起顺畅Tech House旋律,随后Gui Boratto去年佳作《Take My Breath Away》经过John Tejada巧手,呈现出Tech House的华丽风骨。辑中话题作品之一《The Infinites》,在Paul Conboy迷人嗓音与层层电子节拍间,结构起十足抢耳的Indie Dance曲调。而《Daten-Übertragungs-Küsschen》摆荡虚幻空间的Techno曲式中暗藏着Breaks肌理,宛如分水岭般为即将前来的碎裂电子音墙,划出一道明快准确的界线。
CD2开场曲《Trills》以持续运行的电流颤音与逐渐扩张的电子鼓击,随着歌曲行进渐渐合而为一,随后〈Milky Way〉转入更加明确的电子强拍,而Acid宗师Josh Wink的《Dolphin Smack》一曲,则以流动于大气中的电流粒子与《HNO (Lemos Remix)》、《Funky Zeit》串成一脉相连且质地细腻的电气暗流。始终窜流不止的电子脉冲与堆栈变奏的幽暗低回声响同时灌入Gui Boratto新作《The Glam》中,与《Deep Blue (Stimming Remix)》共同掀起闭幕前的高潮浪头。然而,久久不散的科技篇章,行至最终隐身缓步踏入Trip Hop大佬Tricky〈Past Mistake〉伸手不见五指的迷离浓雾中。
Gui Boratto provides the latest instalment of the illustrious Mix Collection, including a blend of exclusive original production and the best in contemporary electronic music…
• Gui Boratto is one of the most respected producers in electronic music, having collaborated closely with artists such as Pet Shop Boys and Massive Attack.
• Gui has a worldwide touring schedule and will be playing in all major territories including an album tour complete with visuals and album branded promotional materials.
• Gui has included 4 original productions, which are exclusive to the compilation and are as yet unreleased.
• The album also includes Gui much anticipated collaboration with Bomb The Bass, which will be the first commercial release of this material.
• Features an interesting track list including tracks from a host of well-respected names including contributions from: Tricky, Josh Wink & Martin Buttrich.
• This release follows on from the critically acclaimed Mix Collection release by M.A.N.D.Y. (REN54CD), firmly establishing the series as one of the most respected within the field.
• Album artwork by Engine, which will also be incorporated in all of Gui’s forthcoming tour dates.
• Luxury 8-page flexi-pack