顺序 | 曲目 | 试听 | |
01 |
Jamaican |
02 |
Sunlight |
03 |
Hatari |
厂牌:映象唱片High Note Records
tUnE-yArDs - BiRd-BrAiNs
音院乐团 - 奇异飞禽
纽约时报“Aretha Franklin与Yoko Ono的神奇化身!”
tUnE-yArDs乃新英格兰才女Merrill Garbus的单独化身,天马行空的想象力,拼贴Lo-Fi、民谣、嘻哈、蓝调、非洲部落元素,甫出道便受纽约时报连番以冰岛精灵Björk、嘻哈教母M.I.A.,甚至“Aretha Franklin与Yoko Ono综合体”誉之。但当你戴上耳机,才知其绝非夸大其辞,仅用一只Sony数字录音笔和笔电的家庭手工田野录音,再加Audacity剪辑软件,浑然天成宛如逗马宣言的音乐实践!
《BiRd-BrAiNs》里她拼凑着碎裂声响,哼着私密的生活纪录。开场曲《For You》弹奏着Ukelele四弦琴,穿插小孩牙牙学语,说着关于蓝莓的事;骤然接上打起大鼓的《Sunlight》,招摇着Sigur Rós近年的部落感,欢乐振奋足为09年最佳单曲!《Hatari》戏剧化嚎叫开场,混融嘻哈与锡克舞节拍,连M.I.A.都要自叹弗如;《Jamaican》将孩童咳嗽声当作电子鼓,化人声为乐器堪称神来一笔!而后段的《FIYA》则彷佛呼应着Vampire Weekend,将世界音乐反刍的流行曲!
《Sunlight》里唱道“我可以成为你眼里的阳光”,聆听tUnE-yArDs,正像见到生活琐碎外的那道曙光,或是如Merrill Garbus自嘲的说,像是老妈子不再碎碎念,改用厨房的锅铲,敲出疯狂节拍罢了!
Possessing an expansive sound that marries a coarse folk ingenuity with the bold pop sensibility of an R&B siren, 'BiRd-BrAiNs' was assembled with a staunch DIY aesthetic. Recording herself using a digital voice recorder and produced using shareware mixing software, Merrill Garbus was described by Stereogum as "a self-contained Sublime Frequencies compilation, jumping between blues, African tunes, shiny reggae-esque sprawls, and lo-fi folk", infusing the worldly sonic palette of M.I.A. or post-punk pioneers The Raincoats.
The album ranges from the surreal to the sublime, with 'Lions' described by Pitchfork as "halfway between a singsong schoolyard rhyme and a graveyard blues", whilst 'Jamaican' could be the blueprint to a Timbaland-produced gem with its ricocheting drums pattern and intoxicating tape loops