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顺序 | 曲目 | 试听 | |
01 |
All Your Secrets |
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02 |
And the Glitter Is Gone |
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03 |
Avalon or Someone Very Similar |
Label:映象唱片High Note Records
Genre: Indie Rock
Yo La Tengo - Popular Songs
优拉糖果 - 流行歌
。媲美世纪末经典《I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One》
1984年,你可能还没出生,或在牙牙学语,很难想象过去25年,Yo La Tengo就这么直挺挺地伫立在独立音乐的浩瀚海洋上。许多爆红新团发个两三张唱片却后继无力,Yo La Tengo第12张大碟《Popular Songs》已不是宝刀未老足以形容,它证明了有些人天生的使命就是一直玩摇滚乐。
其中当然包括Yo La Tengo黄金三人组:吉他手Ira与鼓手Georgia贤伉俪,及每次来台T恤尺寸又大了一号的贝斯手James。
由1993年经典专辑《Painful》以来合作无间的老战友Roger Moutenot监制,录制于家乡纽泽西,无论这是你的第一张或第十张Yo La Tengo,《Popular Songs》都会融化你的心。由气势磅礡的〈Here To Fall〉开场,弦乐与键盘交织出一片迷幻苍穹,Yo La Tengo像一名经验老道的领航员,带你游历气象万千的摇滚星球。
Georgia独唱的微风小品〈Avalon Or Someone Very Similar〉,短洁有力的庞克金曲〈Nothing To Hide〉,很有放克喜感的〈Periodically Double Or Triple〉与男女对唱歌〈If It's True〉,各式曲风信手拈来轻松写意,三个人的默契与化学效应还是那么好。埋伏在尾声的三首长篇更是集大成之作,酝酿与沈潜,嘶吼的吉他颤音,传递的全是浓烈的Yo La Tengo经典音感。闭上眼,你几乎可以看见Ira就站在音箱前,用扭曲的姿势甩动手上的Fender吉他。
催泪极品〈More Stars Than There Are In Heaven〉是这么唱的:「We'll walk hand in hand, as the world expands.」每个人的青春岁月,感谢Yo La Tengo一路陪伴。
This sprawling, ambitious album is YO LA TENGO's 16th, and marks their 25th anniversary. It is also a new culmination for a career that has been swinging upwards again since 2006's I Am Not Afraid Of You. A new generation of fans is discovering one of the most influential and intriguing bands in late-20th and early 21st-century rock'n'roll.This is the definitive YO LA TENGO album and Matador's #1 priority this fall.