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试听:杨坤 - 众里寻她(《非诚勿扰》英文插曲)

发布时间:2008年12月17日16:02 | 我来说两句 (5) | 来源:搜狐音乐

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  与《非诚勿扰》主题曲《信以为真》一样,这首名为《众里寻她》的英文歌同样由刘沁、刘锐担当作曲,而与尚雯婕演唱的插曲《Quand je me regarde》相比,这首歌有着鲜明的对比,杨坤独特的嗓音将歌曲中的伤感与轻快传达的恰到好处。《非诚勿扰》现已上市,数字音乐专辑由中移动独家发行。


  There I am

  Excited about this date

  I’m putting on my nicest shirt

  Telling the mirror I’m ready

  And there will be you

  Giving me the nicest mood

  When you see the rose I bring

  Oh what a gentleman you say

  no matter where you want to go

  That’s the place we’re gonna stay

  Tonight I’m only there for you

  No other business to do, I promise you

  you will be laughing on my jokes

  another glass of that sweet thing

  you better lean your head on me till the waiter

  says“Sorry,we’re closing.”

  Stop that rain

  don’t let her be there too late

  Tell her that I’m ready I’m ready

  Remember first thing, I’ll be there

  What a day I need a perfect date

  I need a perfect date

  作曲Composer:刘沁Liu Qin/刘锐Liu Rui


  作词Lyricist:尹健Yin Jian



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