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试听:李泉 - Blessed with you

发布时间:2009年05月18日15:46 | 我来说两句  | 来源:搜狐音乐

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  《Blessed with you》

  Thought I knew just what I wanted,

  Till you walked in my life.

  Confusion now has led to peace of mind

  Through understanding your heart

  I can now know mine … I now know mine…

  A puppy taken from the pound

  A home in your heart I have found

  A love that makes me feel so safe and sound

  There is no one else I’d rather be with more than

  you,with you…just you

  :Without you I don't know my place in this universe

  On this planet earth,love is not a curse

  It’s more like a blessing,truly the best things

  Without you I don't know my place in this universe

  On this planet earth ,love is not just hurt

  It’s more like a blessing, and I have been blessed with you


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