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试听:熊汝霖 - A SONG FOR YOU

发布时间:2009年07月21日16:03 | 我来说两句  | 来源:搜狐音乐

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  VERSE 1:

  Since the day you’ve been gone

  I’d rather stay away from the memory where you lived in

  Than to call you and say: “I’m sorry”

  Everytime when people talked about you

  I act so brave, but you know I’m shaking inside

  I can’t pretend, I wanna say I’m sorry


  So many things we haven’t done

  So many places we haven’t been

  So many movies we haven’t seen

  Would you come with me?

  So many times I was dropping down

  So many times I lost my hope

  So many times you rescue me

  Would you stay with me?

  VERSE 2:

  I met your friends the other day

  They asked me what’s going on between us

  I said: “Everything’s ok, everything ok”

  I saw you went to the park yesterday

  With your arms around a guy

  You seems so happy, I was wondering

  Do you remember me?



  I will never walk away

  This is the promise that I made

  The shadow I’ve been hiding in

  Has fled from me today

  I know the distance in my voice

  Becomes the space between us

  But if you don’t walk away

  Maybe we can work it out someday

  So many times, I lost myself, I lost my soul, you found it back for me

  I love you, this is a song for you

  I sing for you, this is a song for you

  I sing to you, please remember me

  No matter where you go, remember me.


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