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The Killers乐队取消亚洲巡演 |
搜狐娱乐讯 The Killers(凯乐斯乐队)即将开始的亚洲巡演将取消。乐队方面表示是因为不可预见的情况导致突然取消此次所有亚洲巡演的行程,并希望能尽快重新安排演出日期。被取消的包括:新加坡(1月24日)、北京(1月26日)、香港(1月29日)、马尼拉(1月31日)、东京(2月4日)以及首尔(2月6日)共6站亚洲巡演。
乐队全体成员和主办方对此深表遗憾,并向歌迷表达歉意。主办方将于近日发布The Killers(凯乐斯乐队)原定于1月26日在北京人体育馆的演唱会退票方案,将最大程度方便歌迷退票。请登陆www.mypiao.com了解退票方案,主办方电话:010-84186500。
The killers Asia Tour Cancelled
For Immediate Release
Beijing (January 22, 2010) – It is with great regret that The Killers have been forced to cancel their upcoming appearances in Singapore, Beijing, Hong Kong, Manila, Tokyo and Seoul due to unforeseen circumstances.
The band deeply apologizes to their fans and hope to reschedule their shows in these cities soon.
In the meantime,full refunds will be done immediately .The refunding plan for Beijing concert scheduled on Jan.26 2010 at Workers’ Gymnasium will be announced soon at www.mypiao.com.
For enquiries, please call 010- 84186500