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顺序 | 曲目 | 试听 | |
01 |
Finger On It |
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02 |
Pots Of Gold |
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03 |
Supasneakers |
艺人:Mamas Gun
厂牌:映象唱片High Note Records
Mamas Gun - Routes to Riches
老妈的枪杆子 - 发达之路(台湾特别盘)
风靡东洋!挺进日本告示牌专辑榜TOP 5、单曲榜TOP 3
宛如Stevie Wonder与Jamiroquai的跨时空交会
从《成名在望》、《24小时狂欢派对》到《摇滚电台》,成长于七、八O年代的中生代电影作者,不断透过影像缅怀那个音乐最辉煌的年代,也带领我们这世代生不逢时的乐迷,体验那早已消逝于流行文化中的纯粹美好。当上个Decade尾声Amy Winehouse、Duffy一伙英国女伶操着复古灵魂情调攻陷全球之际,以Neo-Soul第一夫人Erykah Badu专辑为团名的伦敦五人队伍Mamas Gun,则拾起Earth, Wind & Fire和Sly & the Family Stone七O年代的放克摇滚活力,以及Motown隽永的节奏蓝调旋律,以令人眼花撩乱的缤纷乐章,悄悄成为这波英伦灵魂势力最不容忽视的声音。
七岁便写下第一首创作曲的乐团核心Andy Platts,早年因为与Klaxons鼓手Steffan Halperin共组乐队、参与Corinne Bailey Rae专辑演出,迅速吸引业界注目,获得与Rod Temperton(Michael Jackson名曲〈Rock with You〉、〈Off the Wall〉、〈Thriller〉创作者)、Jon Oates(Hall & Oates)和Toby Smith(Jamiroquai)等重量级音乐人合作机会。组成Mamas Gun并推出单曲〈Pots of Gold〉后,更随即获邀与Craig David、De La Soul共同巡回,进而引来葛莱美混音大师Jack Joseph Puig(John Mayer、Green Day、U2)以及Mastering传奇人物Bob Ludwig(Radiohead、Jimi Hendrix、Paul McCartney)青睐,共同为其首张专辑《Routes to Riches》操刀。
这一连串天之骄子般的际遇,接连落在Mamas Gun身上绝非偶然!直逼Maroon 5畅销单曲的〈Rico〉,将放克灵魂摇滚的完美融合;〈You Are The Music〉浑身散发Stevie Wonder那般与生俱来的灵魂魅力;〈Finger On It〉宛如Hall & Oats与Jamiroquai的跨时空结盟;〈Psycho Territory〉和〈Bitch〉中Lenny Kravitz狂放不羁的放克节拍蠢蠢欲动;而〈Chasing Down Shadows〉和〈Let's Find A Way〉神采飞扬的温暖舒畅,则令人忆起Curtis Mayfield一辈的经典风采……。透过Andy Platts优异的创作才情和收放自如的灵魂放克嗓音,《Routes to Riches》悠游放克、灵魂、节奏蓝调、爵士和摇滚之间,让七O年代的放克摇滚和八O年代的节奏蓝调,以更缤纷而摩登的风貌重生,完美结合着甜美温暖和放克舞韵的浓郁复古旋律,彷佛英伦乐坛对这波Retro风潮又一次巧妙回应!
Mamas Gun know how to get down. On "Routes to Riches," they show flashes of Earth, Wind & Fire, Curtis Mayfield and other funk-soul giants, while putting their own modern twist on the genre.
The London band bucks and swings with all the swagger of a classic '70s funk band, complete with big-soul backup singers and a full horn section. The five-piece group is the brainchild of instrumentalist and producer Andy Platts, who has a true knack for writing irresistibly catchy tunes.
"Miracle" starts off as a slinky funk riff and blossoms into a full-blown rave-up; the album's first single, "Pots of Gold," is full-on '70s romance-funk, and "Finger On It" would work just as well as a James Brown song.
Inspired by the old school but with a thoroughly modern aesthetic, "Routes to Riches" is a great debut by a band to watch.