搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

试听:赵丹阳 - I wonder

发布时间:2010年07月22日15:25 | 我来说两句 (0) | 来源:搜狐音乐

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  I Wonder 我想

  Summer time has come and gone 夏天就这样来了又去了

  There must be something wrong 总觉得有点不对劲

  I’m almost 22 years old 昏昏沉沉地就快满22岁了

  Please don’t say a word 什么也别跟我说

  On the TV show with a sugar boy 老是在电视节目上看着那些sugar boy

  I wanted to make some noise 是时候提出抗议了

  If I cry so loud and it piss you off 如果我叫得太大声了,吵着你了

  You can turn the radio on 你就打开收音机吧

  Oh, and now I wonder 哦,我想

  Can I stay any longer 我能否多留一阵子?

  Oh, another thunder 哦,又一阵雷声来了

  We’ll always be together 我想我们一直都会在一起

  24 hours’ gone 24小时过去了

  these words still not be found 歌词还没写完呢

  I’m packing my bag with a rush of blood 我收拾着我的行李

  You see a new term has come 新一学期就要到来了

  I get my last year planted in a school life song 大学生活就剩最后一年了,我把这一年全都种植在这首歌里

  My tears are coming down 泪水流了下来

  I’m sure none of my friends has had enough 我确定朋友们都意犹未尽

  It’s so hard to say goodbye 说“再见”真的太难了

  Oh, and now I wonder 哦,我想

  Can I stay any longer 我能否多留一阵子

  Oh, another thunder 哦,有一阵雷声来了

  I know 我知道

  One of my friends his name is Daniel 我有一个叫Daniel的朋友

  He wanna release himself 他说他想释放自己

  When I’m thinking of my Debbie girl 每当我想起Debbie的时候

  She’s working so hard 她都在努力工作

  I know she will

  The Converse boy of little Richard 还有那个匡威男孩儿——小Richard

  He’s like a shooting star 他像一个超级明星

  He always got a new start 总是能找到一个新的开始

  Then I look at myself at the end of the show 最后我再看看自己

  And now I wonder 我想

  If I could do much better? 我能做得更好一些么?

  Oh, and now I wonder 哦,我想

  Can I grow any stronger? 我能否更坚强地面对这一切?

  Oh, 4 years after 哦,4年之后

  Will Nate become a doctor? Nate 会成为一个合格的医生么?

  Lie in the bed and play the radio game 躺在床上玩电子游戏

  When we were younger 在我们年轻的时候这真的没关系

  It doesn’t really matter

  Sneaking around for a new career 如今,我们都为自己的将来到处奔波

  Well I’m sure that we could do much better 我确信我们都会做得更好
