日前,一则SHAM 69取消亚洲巡演的消息在网上引起了轩然大波,这对于SHAM 69的亚洲乐迷来说无疑是一场噩耗,实在令人扼腕叹息。不过,别伤心,中国的乐迷依然有机会见到他们。
据可靠消息称,SHAM 69虽然不得不临时取消原定4月的中国巡演,但他们仍将如约参加5月在北京海淀公园的迷笛音乐节的演出。
SHAM 69作为七十年代后期第二批朋克乐队的领头者,是OI朋克和SKINHEAD朋克的鼻祖!也是英国七十年代继性手枪之后的乐队至现今唯一还在“ON THE ROAD”的真正朋克!此次亚洲巡演临时取消,但SHAM 69无论如何不愿放弃登上迷笛舞台的机会,宁愿自己承担费用也要来中国。在得知乐队面临的困难后,迷笛音乐节的主办方承担了乐队所有的国际行程费用,将和所有中国乐迷一起迎接SHAM 69的到来,也算是给乐迷们吃了一颗“定心丸”。届时,SHAM 69将于5月1日晚登上迷笛宋(飞行者)舞台,为笛迷们奉献全亚洲独一无二的朋克摇滚乐现场!
来自于SHAM 69官方MYSPACE的消息:
廣大關注SHAM 69的樂迷,非常抱歉的通知大家:SHAM 69中国4月份巡演将不得不取消。
在之前的几天里,小子联盟和新加坡,马来西亚包括SHAM 69团队不断的努力,想挽回此次巡演,但最后由于所有原因我们实在不得不向大家道歉。以下是SHAM 69官方发的道歉信。
Hi All, well again more bad news!!
The band have to announce that the WHOLE SE ASIA tour is now Postponed.
The whole tour was put into chaos when the organisation KID 23 collapsed with this tour 5 days ago. They had failed to do their job properly but didn't tell the band OR the other promoters until 5 days ago.
In the last 2 days the Bands Mgt with the Band and all promoters in Singapore/Indonesia/Hong Kong and China have worked very hard to make this work. But the problem was that this whole tour was linked and so because KID 23 hadn't done this tour planning well, the damage was too great for those dates left to work properly.
So today everyone involved has had to finally accept defeat.
The good news is that we can announce that this tour will happen in August and this time will be solid.
We have to apologise for fans who have waited for SHAM 69 but we are saying please can you wait another 4 months and the band will be there. But as you know this is not SHAM 69's fault so the band are feeling very sad right now but they have total respect for you and will make sure the shows are 100%.
Thanks for your support and see you in August!!!!
Paul &SHAM 69