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Mariah Carey(玛利亚 凯莉)

我来说两句 2008年01月16日14:20 来源:搜狐音乐

  Mariah Carey




  出生地::纽约长岛(Long Island, NYC)




  父亲:Alfred Roy Carey

  母亲:Patricia Hickey

  兄:Morgan Carey

  姐:Alison Carey


  (更新:我自己所能想起来的有关Mariah Carey的记录有,唯一在90年代每年都有#1歌曲的艺人。单曲《One Sweet Day》为Billborad最长时间冠军单曲。吉尼斯世界记录能唱出最高音的艺人和现场表演唱出最高音的艺人。拥有冠军单曲最多的女艺人(仅次于猫王,拥有top10最多的是Madonna)。发行的首支单曲即夺冠。欢迎大家补充!)

  Mariah Carey我想就不用再多说许多了!对我个人而言她意味着很多。她的歌给我鼓励,和平静的心。不管她自己私人上发生什么事情,都不能影响她在音乐上的成就。不仅仅是商业成就,相信不止我一个,而是很多很多人都能在她的歌里得到感动。VeryCD上既然还没有Mariah的专集发布,我就正好算是做个迄今为止的总结吧。除了1992年的MTV unplugged专辑和2003年的双CD the Remixes暂未加入之外,其余12张录音室专辑全部收录。Mariah的歌既然要收藏,音质自然是一定要好的。所以这次发布的所有mp3均为mp3 VBR!


  (更新:1992.MTV.Unplugged专辑已加入,mp3 VBR,平均250K)

  至此所有Mariah Carey所有曾经出版过的所有专辑已全部加入!所以标题也改成了Mariah Carey全收藏!

  以下的歌手及专集介绍是我自己很久以前写的,所以有些数据可能已经out of date,但是可能比后面的历年唱片简介能更多的了解各张唱片,所以还是贴出来,有错误的地方还请各位大大海涵

  Mariah Carey在80年代末90年代初出了第一张同名专辑,第一张单曲“vision of love”顺利拿下冠军,从此就成为乐坛焦点人物之一。总有人拿她和惠伲特.休士顿做比较,一开始比较她们的嗓音的广阔,现在比较她们的地位和成绩。其实Mariah Carey是个混血儿,有一半的黑人血统(她的父亲),这大概是她有一副天生金嗓子的原因吧。但是混血儿的身份却让她从小受了不少歧视,所以她很小就有很高的志气,希望能坚强,有一天能有一番事业。她确实做到了。第二张专辑《emotion》同样非常的成功。再后来在NY的MTV unplugged舞台上的精彩现场表现,封住了所有怀疑者的嘴巴。并按照MTV unplugged的惯例推出了演唱会的现场专辑《Mariah Carey:MTVunplugged》,而且获得了巨大的成功。一直以来,只有最具实力的艺术家才能有机会在unplugged的舞台上做现场演出,而所有的unplugged专辑中卖的最多的只有三张:NIRVANA、Eric Captaion,以及Mariah Carey。

    之后传出了她和他的唱片公司老板(sony哥伦比亚唱片)结婚的消息。他们铺张了一场异常豪华的婚礼。而在Mariah Carey的第四张专辑《music box》中,她更写了一首“dreamlover”送给她的丈夫。这首歌同当年的“hero”一样,成为了年度十大单曲,而《music box》也成为了Mariah最畅销的唱片(约一千二百万张),并成为当时世界第二张最畅销的唱片,第一张是Michael Jackson的《战栗》。单曲“hero”收在95葛来美的喝彩中。《music box》是Mariah Carey事业的高潮。

  97年末Mariah Carey推出了她的第五张专辑:《daydream》。我所喜欢的“fantasy”就是来自这张专辑的。“fantasy”有两个版本,单曲版和专辑版。我个人更喜欢专辑里的版本。在这张专辑里,Mariah Carey又创造了一个记录。她和Boyz II Men合作了一首“one sweet day”,在billbroad冠军位置上整整呆了13周,这个记录一直以来只被打平过,还仍未有人打破,如果我没记错的话。单曲“one sweet day”收录在97葛来美的喝彩中。我个人认为《daydream》是Mariah Carey最好的专辑,里面有不少经典好歌,如Underneath the stars、forever、always be my baby,以及和babyface合作的melt away等等。

    然而后来Mariah Carey居然离婚了。她的丈夫兼老板认为他们都花了太多的时间在工作上,家庭无法维系。之后Mariah Carey在98年推出了专辑《butterfly》,在这张专辑的video中Mariah突然以性感形象出现,加入了非常多的蓝调节奏。在英语中,butterfly暗示着水性扬花的女人,相信Mariah Carey这次是刻意要忘掉过去。推荐“butterly”,真情的流露。

    2000年Mariah Carey出了专辑《rainbow》。雨过天晴,Mariah的彩虹出现了吗?在

  这张专辑中有这样一首歌“Can't Take That Away (Mariah's Theme)”。歌词这样写到:

  They can say anything they want to say

  Try to bring me down

  But I'll not allow

  Anyone to succed

  Hanging clouds over me

  And They can try hard to mke me feel

  That I don't matter at all

  But I refuse to falter

  In what I believe

  Or lose faith in my dreams

  ... ...

  They can try

  But they can't take that away from me

  ... ...

  值得一提的是,在《butterfly》之后,Mariah曾出过一张专辑《#1's》。这张专辑并不是Mariah Carey的精选辑,里面共18首track,其中十二首是mariah历年所有的冠军单曲。因为《butterfly》中的单曲“my all”拿到billbroad冠军后,使得Mariah的冠军单曲总数达到了12首,成为拥有冠军单曲最多的女艺人(拥有十大单曲最多的女艺人是Madonna,因为《music》中的“don't tell me”,男艺人是猫王)。这张《#1's》正是这样的一张纪念专辑。除了这十二首冠军单曲之外,还收录了6首Bonus Track,包含了和Whitney Houston合唱的“When you believe”,和JD合作的“sweetherat”,翻唱的“without you”、“I Still Believe”、“Do You Know Where You're Gong To”以及和Brian McKnight合唱的“Whenever You Call”。这张专辑中的“fantasy”是单曲版,与O.D.B合作。

  最后列出Mariah Carey这十多年来的专辑顺序

  《Mariah Carey》


  《Mariah Carey:MTV unplugged》

  《Merry Christmas》

  《music box》






  需要注意的是,Mariah Carey不止是偶像歌手而已。尽管在一些人眼中(比如我),她实在是够漂亮,但她的实力却不应因此而被掩盖。从她的第一张专辑开始,她就是一个创作型歌手。她的专辑中几乎所有的歌词都是她完成的,作曲也大多是她和名制作人合作完成的(比如babyface)。她的专辑全部是她请名家和她共同制作的。她自己也曾被评为过年度十大制作人。另外,不同于港台的一些歌手们,恨不得一个月就出一张新专辑!他们可能永远也不能体会我每次期待Mariah Carey新专辑时的那种又急不可耐,又异常幸福的感觉。大家可以注意一下Mariah Carey大概平均多长时间才出一张专辑。





  1990.mariah carey


  vision of love玛利亚的第一首billboard冠军单曲

  there's got to be a way\vanishing\all in your mind堪称人类高音极限.



  1. Vision of Love

  2. There's Got To Be A Way

  3. I Don't Wanna Cry

  4. Someday

  5. Vanishing

  6. All In Your Mind

  7. Alone In Love

  8. You Need Me

  9. Sent From Up Above

  10. Prisoner

  11. Love Takes Time



  抒情歌曲:and you don't remenber\so blessed

  黑人灵魂乐风格:make it happen

  1. Emotions

  2. And You Don't Remember

  3. Can't Let Go

  4. Make It Happen

  5. If It's Over

  6. You're So Cold

  7. So Blessed

  8. To Be Around You

  9. Till The End of Time

  10. The Wind


  推荐曲目:翻唱麦克尔杰克逊名曲i'll be there,登上billboarf榜首

  1. Emotions

  2. If It's Over

  3. Someday

  4. Vision of Love

  5. Make It Happen

  6. I'll Be There

  7. Can't Let Go

  1993.music box

  是玛利亚最辉煌的专集之一。其中hero更是家喻户晓.该专集中,without you,翻唱得比原唱更为细腻,也成为玛利亚的经典歌曲之一.dreamlover等多首歌曲均先后登


  1. Dreamlover

  2. Hero

  3. Anytime You Need A Friend

  4. Music Box

  5. Now That I Know

  6. Never Forget You

  7. Without You

  8. Just To Hold You Once Again

  9. I've Been Thinking About You

  10. All I've Ever Wanted

  1994.merry christmas圣诞专集

  其中o holy night成为玛利亚最高音曲目的代表之一,不但高音难度极大,低音处理得也相当到位

  1. Silent Night

  2. All I Want For Christmas Is You

  3. O Holy Night

  4. Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)

  5. Miss You Most (At Christmas Time)

  6. Joy To The World

  7. Jesus Born On This Day

  8. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

  9. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing / Gloria (In Excelsis Deo)

  10. Jesus Oh What A Wonderful Child


  为玛利亚迄今为止,销量最高的钻石唱片,其中榜首单曲随手可见。one sweet day更停留在榜首位置长达16周,为历史之最。其他的冠军单曲比如:fantasy\always be mybaby\forever\when i saw you均广为流传

  1. Fantasy

  2. Underneath The Stars

  3. One Sweet Day

  4. Open Arms

  5. Always Be My Baby

  6. I Am Free

  7. When I Saw You

  8. Long Ago

  9. Melt Away

  10. Forever

  11. Daydream Interlude (Fantasy Sweet Dub Mix)

  12. Looking In


  玛利亚转型大碟,十分成功.推荐榜首单曲如my all\butterfly\whenever you call

  (Whenever u call是Mariah自己最喜欢的歌之一)

  1. Honey

  2. Butterfly

  3. My All

  4. The Roof

  5. Fourth of July

  6. Breakdown

  7. Babydoll

  8. Close My Eyes

  9. Whenever You Call

  10. Flyaway (Butterfly Reprise)

  11. The Beautiful Ones

  12. Outside


  答谢歌迷的选辑.特别增加与whitney houston演唱的埃及王子主题歌when you believe

  和著名翻唱单曲i still believe

  1. Sweetheart

  2. When You Believe (From Prince of Egypt)

  3. Whenever You Call

  4. My All

  5. Honey

  6. Always Be My Baby

  7. One Sweet Day

  8. Fantasy

  9. Hero

  10. Dreamlover

  11. I'll Be There

  12. Emotions

  13. I Don't Wanna Cry

  14. Someday

  15. Love Takes Time

  16. Vision of Love

  17. I Still Believe



  其中有冠军单曲heartbreaker,以及励志单曲can't take that away,十分相似于当年的


  1. Heartbreaker

  2. Can't Take That Away (Mariah's Theme)

  3. Bliss

  4. How Much

  5. After Tonight

  6. X-Girlfriend

  7. Heartbreaker (Remix)

  8. Vulnerability (Interlude)

  9. Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)

  10. Crybaby

  11. Did I Do That?

  12. Petals

  13. Rainbow (Interlude)

  14. Thank God I Found You


  为其同名电影的原声大碟。推荐曲目:lead the way\never too far,发挥极限高音。

  1. Loverboy (Remix)

  2. Lead The Way

  3. If We

  4. Didn't Mean To Turn You On

  5. Don't Stop (Funkin' For Jamaica)

  6. All My Life

  7. Reflections (Care Enough)

  8. Last Night A DJ Saved My Life

  9. Want You

  10. Never Too Far

  11. Twister

  12. Loverboy


  Disc 1 1. Vision of Love

  2. Love Takes Time

  3. Someday

  4. I Don't Wanna Cry

  5. Emotions

  6. Can't Let Go

  7. Make It Happen

  8. I'll Be There

  9. Dreamlover

  10. Hero

  11. Without You

  12. Anytime You Need A Friend

  13. Endless Love

  14. Fantasy

  Disc 2

  1. One Sweet Day

  2. Always Be My Baby

  3. Forever

  4. Underneath The Stars

  5. Honey

  6. Butterfly

  7. My All

  8. Sweetheart

  9. When You Believe

  10. I Still Believe

  11. Heartbreaker

  12. Thank God I Found You

  13. Can't Take That Away (Mariah's Theme)

  14. All I Want For Christmas Is You (So-So Def Remix)


  该专集为玛利亚为纪念死去的父亲所作.单曲through the rain十分感人,很值得一听。

  1. Through The Rain

  2. Boy (I Need You)

  3. The One

  4. Yours

  5. You Got Me

  6. I Only Wanted

  7. Clown

  8. My Saving Grace

  9. You Had Your Chance

  10. Lullaby

  11. Irresistible (Westside Connection)

  12. Subtle Invitation

  13. Bringin' On The Heartbreak

  14. Sunflowers For Alfred Roy

  15. Through The Rain (Remix)

  2003.The Remixes(2CD)


  Disc 1 1. my all (morales "my" club mix)

  2. heartbreaker/if you should ever be lonely (junior's heartbreaker club mix)

  3. fly away (buttefly reprise) (fly away club mix)

  4. anytime you need a friend (c&c club version)

  5. fantasy (def club mix)

  6. honey (classic mix)

  7. dreamlover (def club mix)

  8. emotions (12" club mix)

  9. through the rain (hq2 radio edit)

  Disc 2

  1. fantasy

  2. always be my baby (mr. dupri mix)

  3. my all/stay awhile (so so def remix)

  4. thank god i found you (make it last remix)

  5. breakdown

  6. honey (so so def mix)

  7. loverboy (remix feat. da brat, ludacris, twenty II & shawnna)

  8. heartbreaker (remix)

  9. sweetheart

  10. crybaby

  11. miss you

  12. the one (so so def remix)

  13. i know what you want - busta rhymes & mariah carey



  American Music Awards

  1991 Favorite Soul/R&B Female Artist

  1993 Top Contemporary Album

  1993 Award for worldwide sales od over 55 million

  1995 Favourite Pop/Rock Female Artist

  1996 Favourite Pop/Rock Female Artist

  1996 Favourite Soul/R&B Female Artist

  1998 Favourite Soul/R&B Female Artist

  2000 Lifetime Achievement Award


  American Music Awards

  1991 Favorite Soul/R&B Female Artist

  1993 Top Contemporary Album

  1993 Award for worldwide sales od over 55 million

  1995 Favourite Pop/Rock Female Artist

  1996 Favourite Pop/Rock Female Artist

  1996 Favourite Soul/R&B Female Artist

  1998 Favourite Soul/R&B Female Artist

  2000 Lifetime Achievement Award

  Billboard Music Awards

  1991 Hot 100 Singles Artist

  1991 Top Female Album Artist

  1991 Top Female Single Artist

  1992 Top Female Album Artist

  1992 Top Female Single Artist

  1994 Female Artist Of The Year

  1996 Hot 100 Singles Artist of the Year

  1996 Special Record Award

  1996 Hot 100 Airplay

  1996 Hot Adult Contemporary Artist Of The Year

  1996 Special Hot 100 Billboard Award

  Grammy Awards

  1991 Best Pop Vocal Performance

  1991 Best New Artist

  Australian Record Industry Association Awards

  1994 Most Popular International Album Of The Year for Music Box

  1994 Take 40 Australia Best Chart Album Performance for Music Box

  1994 Most Popular Solo International Female Artist

  Rolling Stone

  1991 Best New Female Artist

  Germany's Bravo magazine

  1994 Golden Otto Award for Best Female Artist

  1994 Award for worldwide sales of over 20 million for MusicBox

  1994 Award for worldwide sales od over 55 million

  1995 Golden Otto Award for Best Female Artist

  1997 Silver Otto Award for 2nd Best Female Artist (1997)

  Smash Hit Awards

  1994 Best Female Solo Singer

  1995 Best Female Solo Singer

  World Music Awards

  1995 Best Selling American Recording Artist

  1995 Best Selling World Recording Artist

  1995 Best Selling Pop Artist

  1996 Best Selling Female R&B Artist

  1996 Best Selling Overall Female Recording Artist

  1996 Best Selling Female Pop Artist

  1996 Best Selling American Female Recording Artist

  1998 Best Selling Female Soul/R&B Artist

  1998 Legend Award - Best Selling Artist Of 90's

  2000 World's Best Selling R&B Female Artist

  2000 World's Best Selling Female Artist Of The Millenium

  Blockbuster Awards

  1995 Top Pop Female

  1996 Favorite Single

  1996 Favorite Adult Contemporary Single

  1998 Favorite Pop Female

  1999 Favorite Pop Female

  2000 Top R&B Female

  Australian RIA Awards

  1994 Most Popular International Album Of The Year

  1994 Most Popular International Solo Female Artist

  1994 Take 40 Australia Best Chart Album Performance

  VH1 Fashion Awards

  1997 VH1 Artist Of The Year

  Soul Train Awards

  1990 Female R&B/Urban Contemporary Album

  1990 Female R&B/Urban Contemporary Single

  1990 R&B/Urban Contemporary New Artist

  Soul Train Lady Of Soul Awards

  1998 Aretha Franklin Entertainer Of The Year

  Winter Music National Dance Awards

  1996 Dance Record Of The Year

  1996 Dance Artist Of The Year

  MTV European Music Awards

  1994 Favorite Female Artist

  Rockefellar Center Awards

  1994 Worldwide Sales Of Over 20 Million

  1994 Worldwide Sales Of Over 55 Million

  New York City Music Awards

  1991 Best Female Pop Vocalist

  Long Island Music Awards

  1998 Best Female Singer

  International Achievement In Arts Awards

  1998 Entertainer Of The Year

  American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers' Awards

  1997 Best song : Forever

  1997 Best Song : Fantasy

  1997 Song Of The Year

  1997 Best song : One Sweet Day

  1997 Best Song : Always Be My Baby

  Fourth Annual International Achievement in Arts Awards

  1998 Entertainer Of The Year Award for Distinguished Achievemnet

  Horizon Awards 1999

  1999 For founding Fresh Air Found's Camp Mariah

  Radio Music Awards

  2001 Most Requested Artist

  Billboard R&B/hip-hop Awards

  2002 Top R&B/Hip-Hop Single Sales

  BMI Pop Awards

  1990 Best Song - Vision Of Love/Love Takes Time

  1991 Best Song - Someday/I Don't Wanna Cry/Emotions

  1992 Songwriter Of The Year

  1992 Best Song - Can't Let Go/Make It Happen

  1993 Best Song - Dreamlover/Hero

  1994 Best Song - Anytime You Need A Friend

  1995 Best Song - Fantasy

  1996 Best Song - Always Be My Baby/One Sweet Day/Forever

  1997 Best Song - Honey/Butterfly

  1998 Best Song - My All

  2000 Best Song - Thank God I Found You

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